Six ways to grow your job Herminia Ibarra 2 October 2013 In today’s resource-constrained environment, many of us are delivering 120% on the current demands of our job — but devoting little time to developing ourselves further or positioning ourselves for a future...
How female leaders should handle double-standards Herminia Ibarra 8 February 2013 IMF head Christine Lagarde tells a story about a woman leader she met who took over at a tough moment in her country’s history and resolved to be different. They had to cut the...
Can companies both do well and do good? Morten T. Hansen, Herminia UIbarra and Urs Peyer 24 January 2013 Many management thinkers argue that it is no longer enough to do well financially; companies also need to improve the well-being of (or at least not harm) the...
The best-performing CEOs in the world Morten T. Hansen, Herminia Ibarra and Urs Peyer 3 January 2013 It’s no accident that chief executives so often focus on short-term financial results at the expense of longer-term performance. They have every incentive to do...
What else might I do? Focussing on past success may stand in the way of your potential Herminia Ibarra 2 January 2013 The more successful we are, the more vulnerable we become to limiting mindsets in how we define not just our work, but even more importantly...
Study: women get fewer game-changing leadership roles Herminia Ibarra 14 Nov 2012 Many studies have shown that the representation of women in the senior ranks has been virtually unchanged for years, despite considerable organizational investment in talent...