How to Think Strategically About a Career Transition
A discussion on career transitions with Adi Ignatius, editor-in-chief at Harvard Business Review
To reinvent your career, start by imagining a new you
An interview for The New World of Work series from HBR
Working Identity: Reinventing Your Career in Today’s Uncertain World
An animated, provocative conversation with Mehbs Remtulla about transition, applicable to all ages
The permission to be incoherent and divergent can give us clarity
A set of practical strategies to increase our chances of successful re-invention and find greater fulfilment in our working lives
The outsight principle
World Business Forum
Building effective networks
How effective networks enable you to generate new ideas and expand your influence
How CIOs can earn a seat at the top table
On how IT professionals can cultivate a strategic perspective
Fresh approaches for leadership success
Why outstanding leaders need ‘outsight’ not insight
Is it time to rethink your career?
Insights on personal and career transformation that begin with action, not introspection
Why we need more strategic networks
Of the three networks — operational, personal and strategic — most managers neglect the last one to their cost
Don’t wait for promotion. Make the leadership transition now
A big idea for the Thinkers50 Award