Despite quotas, there’s rough road ahead for women in Europe

Sex and the working mom

Sex and the working mom  Herminia Ibarra  6 September 2012 At one of the companies with which I work there is a legendary story about work-life balance. The firm’s most senior line woman was asked to join a newly constituted high-level diversity committee, which...
Despite quotas, there’s rough road ahead for women in Europe

Help women take the stage

Help women take the stage  Herminia Ibarra  14 February 2012 Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, has been speaking out a lot lately about subtle dynamics that hold women back from reaching senior roles in business. Her TED talk and Barnard commencement speech went...
Her key to efficiency: arrive late, leave early

Her key to efficiency: arrive late, leave early

Her key to efficiency: arrive late, leave early  Herminia Ibarra  23 January 2012 A couple of years ago, a well-intentioned friend, hearing me describe the horrors of my commute in Paris, said I should decide when I wanted to see my son each day: in the morning or...