The authenticity paradox Herminia Ibarra 19 December 2014 Authenticity has become the gold standard for leadership. But a simplistic understanding of what it means can hinder your growth and limit your impact. Consider Cynthia, a general manager in a healthcare...
Forget Mozart, companies now prefer a steady Salieri as CEO Herminia Ibarra 4 November 2014 The pendulum seems to be swinging away from egocentric, inspirational stagecraft. It used to be that calling someone a ‘good manager’ was to damn with faint praise. But we...
How companies are putting managers in a bind Herminia Ibarra 27 April 2014 Businesses are putting managers in a tough spot: They’re forcing bosses to take on many new responsibilities — but they’re not training them to get those jobs done. With competition fierce...
Inclusive leadership: unlocking diverse talent Herminia Ibarra and Nana von Bernuth 15 January 2014 Nia Joynson-Romanzina, Head of Global Diversity & Inclusion at Swiss Re, likens people in her organisation, and beyond, to icebergs. Not because they’re cold...
Hiring and big data — those who could be left behind Herminia Ibarra 4 December 2013 Recruiters, HR managers, and investors have always sought better ways of identifying who fits and has potential, and how to allocate opportunities to them. Big data holds the...
How to break through a career impasse Herminia Ibarra 11 October 2013 Many of the successful managers and professionals who come back to business school at mid-career are looking for more than honing their leadership skills. Many are stuck in their careers....